Wednesday 2 November 2016

Robertson 2016

Robertson Showground 2016

On arriving at the showground there was one BCC van set up we (France) chose our spot then two other BCC arrived a short time later a total of 4 for Wednesday 2nd November.  After setting up three of the club  members went on a walk in the back paddock to discover a partly tumbled down old brick/stone house/work shed, old man time took over with a large tree growing through the top, this looked like it had an old rail system at one stage and beside this was the complete ruins of a house with an obvious tin roof, tumble down post and rail fenced yard, our thoughts trying to work out who and what it could have been like in the beginning.  One club member took an interest to some items but taking pictures to take away was all we needed.
Thursday 3rd November - A member, Barry Robertson, was sitting on a chair early on this morning enjoying the sun, with his little dog, Jet.  We were finishing breakfast when there was a very loud commotion of people yelling, dogs barking and one very loud screech from the little dog.  A big Alsatian was getting the upper hand over the little dog.  It turned out this dog was wandering the grounds with no lead and the owner not taking charge.  The woman admitted she did not have this dog on a lead and always let it wander around, this was not good considering there were already caravans around.  This commotion was eventually sorted but not a good result for the little dog he received two puncture wounds to his back and was taken to the vet for a once over and given antibiotics, not good for Barry.  Gil and Julianne helped Barry and Caitlin take the dog to the vet and were relieved this was a better result than we expected and everyone could come back to the Showground.
Gil, Julianne and Ricci then took a drive out towards Carrington Falls

though these falls were closed due to a previous bush fire, we took a secondary road to the top of Carrington Falls beautiful mini falls and rock pools, Nellie’s Glen picnic area and Warris Chair Lookout

grade 3 walk, 1 hour return, due to the later start we did not do another walk which was longer.  Nellies Glen was a very short walk ending with a beautiful pool and waterfall with a picnic table, where we had lunch. The walk to Warris Chair Lookout 2 km return Grade 3 easy walk, this ended with a magnificent view over the valley and sandstone rock walls of various colours a view to take your breath away.  This was well worth the effort along the tracks we noted the native bush spring vegetation and a waratah growing where it should be, in the bush.

On our return back to the showground we visited the Robertson Railway Station  
which is a picture at this time of the year.  The beautiful waratah bushes of red and white, colorful rhododendrons and other native plants, Ricci in awe of these beautiful plants, Gil and Julianne have visited this area a few times and never get tired of seeing these beautiful plants.
Belmore Falls 

Fitzroy Falls

Nellies Glen

Hindmarsh lookout